Long Beach Workplace Back Injury Lawyer

The connection between one’s livelihood and their career is undeniable. The money that we bring in supports ourselves and our families. It allows us to meet our financial obligations, live comfortably, and enjoy life. When an injury at work threatens this delicate balance, it can profoundly affect every aspect of our lives.

If you’re facing a workplace injury, you may be feeling worried, frustrated, and even helpless. You may wonder how you will support yourself and your family while you’re out of work. Working with a Long Beach workplace back injury lawyer can help you get the legal support you need to heal and return to work quickly.

At Pratt Law Corporation, our team of legal professionals has years of experience helping injured workers in California get the care and benefits they need. We understand the complex laws governing workers’ compensation and know how to navigate the system to maximize the benefits you’re entitled to. If your employer is denying your claim or lowballing your benefits, we can stand up for your rights and get you the compensation you need to heal and move on with your life.

Long Beach Workplace Back Injury Lawyer

How Do People Experience a Personal Injury at Work?

A job’s function and environment are the two main factors contributing to the risk of injury. Jobs that are more physically demanding, such as construction, nursing, and warehouse work, tend to have a higher rate of injury. Environments that are more dangerous, such as those with heavy machinery or potential exposure to hazardous materials, also present a greater risk.

Injuries can happen in any type of workplace, but some of the most common include:

  • Slip, trip, or fall. A lack of attention to hazards, such as a large spill on the floor or unmanaged loose cords, can cause an employee to slip, trip, or fall. The result can be anything from minor bruises to serious head injuries.
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals. Employees who work with hazardous materials, such as cleaning products or asbestos, are at risk of exposure. This can lead to skin irritations, respiratory problems, and even cancer.
  • Repetitive motion injuries. Jobs requiring the same motion to be performed repeatedly can lead to repetitive motion injuries. These injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, are caused by the overuse of muscles and tendons.
  • Being struck by an object. In many workplaces, there is a risk of being hit by a falling object or flying debris. This can happen in construction sites, warehouses, and even office buildings.
  • Faulty equipment. Employees who work with machinery, power tools, and other types of equipment can be injured if the equipment is not properly maintained.
  • Overexertion. Jobs that require lifting, pulling, or pushing can lead to overexertion injuries. These injuries, such as back strains, happen when the body is pushed beyond its limit.

If any of these hazards at work have led to an injury, you should immediately connect with a Long Beach workplace injury attorney.The combination of a dangerous job and an unsafe work environment can be a recipe for disaster. However, it’s important to note that even seemingly safe work can come with workplace hazards. Unsafe air quality, repetitive motions from desk work, and even broken chairs can cause you harm.

What Specific Injuries Are Common in the Workplace?

The human body is fragile, and it doesn’t take much to cause an injury. A slip on a wet floor can lead to a broken bone, and a fall from a ladder can cause a serious head injury. Any type of accident at work can potentially cause a severe injury.

Some of the most common workplace injuries include:

  • Sprains and strains. These injuries, caused by overexertion or repetitive motion, can be painful and limit your range of motion. With proper treatment, most sprains and strains will heal within a few weeks, depending on their severity.
  • Cuts and lacerations. Sharp objects, such as knives and broken glass, can cause cuts and lacerations. These injuries can be minor, requiring only a few stitches, or they can be more serious, resulting in nerve damage or amputation.
  • Cuts and bruises. A minor cut or bruise might not seem like a big deal, but it can still require medical attention. Depending on the location of the injury, a cut or bruise can turn into a more serious injury.
  • Head injuries. A fall or being hit by a falling object can cause a head injury. These injuries are highly concerning and range from mild concussions to more serious traumatic brain injuries.
  • Back injuries. Employees who lift heavy objects or work in awkward positions are at risk of injuring their back. Back injuries can be extremely painful and can limit your mobility.
  • Spinal cord injury. A spinal cord injury can happen in any type of accident and is the most severe type of back injury. Because the spine is a critical part of the nervous system, this type of injury can lead to paralysis and other serious, life-long complications.

What Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Workers’ compensation is a formal system of insurance that provides economic benefits to employees who are injured on the job. These benefits can provide much-needed funds after an injury that are applied towards medical bills and lost wages. In California, almost all employers must have workers’ compensation insurance to protect their employees.

To start a workers’ compensation claim, you will need to notify your employer of your injury and then file a claim with the workers’ compensation insurance company. Your employer should have information about how to file a claim. Once your claim is filed, the insurance provider will investigate to determine if you are eligible for benefits. If your request is denied, it is advised to contact a personal injury attorney in Long Beach as soon as possible to help with the appeals process.

Benefits of Workers’ Compensation Include:

If you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, you will be able to receive payments for:

  • Medical expenses. All reasonable and necessary medical treatment related to your workplace injury should be covered by workers’ compensation. This can include hospitalization, surgery, doctor’s visits, prescription medication, rehabilitation, and any other necessary treatments.
  • Lost wages. If the extent of your injuries prevents you from working, you may be eligible for wage replacement benefits. These are typically two-thirds of your average weekly wages and have the potential to be considered for future lost earnings if your injury is permanent or long-term disabling.
  • Pain and suffering. Workers’ compensation benefits typically do not include payments for pain and suffering. In some cases, however, an injured worker may be able to sue their employer for pain and suffering if it can be proven that the employer was negligent. For example, if an employer knew about a dangerous condition at the workplace and did not take steps to fix it, they could be held liable for the trauma and suffering experienced by the employee.
  • Disability benefits. If your workplace injury leads to a disability, you may be eligible for long-term disability benefits. These benefits can provide payments until you can return to work or reach maximum medical improvement.
  • Death benefits. If a workplace injury leads to the death of an employee, surviving family members may be eligible for death benefits. These benefits can help with funeral expenses and lost income.

How to Prove Your Personal Injury Case

After you’ve notified your employer of your workplace injury and filed a claim with the workers’ compensation insurance company, it is important to start gathering evidence to support your case. This can include:

  • Medical records. Documentation of your injuries and treatment will be essential in proving the extent of your damages. Be sure to keep all records from your doctor, hospital, and any other medical providers.
  • Witness statements. If there were witnesses to your accident, be sure to get their contact information to provide a statement about what they saw. For example, if you were injured in a slip and fall accident, someone standing by can testify to the fact that there was a puddle of water on the floor that you slipped in without warning.
  • Photos and videos. If you have acquired any photos or videos of the accident scene, these can help illustrate what happened. While you may have personally not been able to take photos or videos of the accident, security footage is often a reliable source of footage to review.
  • Workplace accident reports. After an accident, your employer should fill out an incident report. This can be helpful in providing details about what happened and who was involved.
  • Your own testimony. In addition to the evidence listed above, your own testimony about what happened can be key in proving your case. When conversing with your attorney, be sure to go over the details of the accident and what you remember about what happened.

The sooner evidence gathering begins, the better. This is because memories can fade, and physical evidence can disappear over time. An experienced workplace injury lawyer will know how to investigate your case and collect all evidence necessary to build a valid legal claim on your behalf.

What to Do If Your Claim Is Denied

If you’re facing a workers’ compensation denial, you have the right to appeal the decision. The appeals process can be complex, so hiring someone with legal expertise and a case history of similar wins is key to your success.

Your attorney will carefully review the denial letter and determine why your claim was justified to reach a denial status. They will also identify any errors in the denial letter and gather evidence to support your appeal.

Common reasons for denial of workers’ compensation claims include:

  • The employer denies that the accident happened at work
  • The employer denies that the employee was injured
  • The employer denies that the employee’s injuries were caused by the accident
  • The employer claims that the employee did not report the accident in a timely manner

Sometimes these objections can be overcome with evidence, such as witness statements or video footage of the accident. In other cases, an appeal may need to be filed with the workers’ compensation board. Connect with a Long Beach workplace injury lawyer to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the appeals process.

Tips for Navigating the Workers’ Compensation System

The workers’ compensation system is highly intense. The best way to ensure that your claim is handled correctly is to hire an experienced workplace injury lawyer. They can help you navigate the system and avoid making mistakes that could jeopardize your claim.

In the meantime, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Report the accident to your employer as soon as possible. While they are required to report the accident to their workers’ compensation insurance carrier, it’s still a good idea to inform them yourself as well.
  • Get medical help right away. Even if you don’t think you’re injured, it’s important to see a doctor after an accident. Some injuries, such as concussions, may not show symptoms right away. A doctor can also document your injuries and start you on the road to recovery.
  • Keep track of your expenses. You can earn reimbursement for medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs related to your accident. Keep track of all expenses to verify so that you can get the compensation you deserve.
  • Be careful what you say. It’s important to be honest about your accident and injuries but be careful not to say anything that could be used against you. For example, don’t apologize for the accident or say that you’re fine when you’re not.
  • Trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts and get a second opinion. For example, if your employer is pressuring you to return to work before you’re ready, or if the insurance adjuster seems to be trying to take advantage of you, it’s best to run everything by your lawyer before moving forward.

What Can a Long Beach Employment Attorney Do for Me?

Such a highly technical area of law requires an experienced attorney who knows the ins and outs of employment law. From the first consultation, you will have your first glimpse into the professionality of your lawyer. After discussing the ins and outs of your case, your attorney will give you an honest opinion about how strong your case is and what you could expect if you win.

The most commonly sought-after assistance from a Long Beach attorney includes:

  • Investigating whether you have a case
  • Determining who is at fault and could be held liable
  • Filing paperwork and meeting deadlines
  • Gather evidence and interview witnesses
  • Negotiating with the other side
  • Taking your case to trial, if necessary
  • Fighting for an appeal, if your case was lost

The peace of mind that comes from knowing you have an employment law expert in your corner is invaluable. If you are experiencing any type of workplace injury and are unsure where to turn, please do not hesitate to reach out to a Long Beach attorney today.

Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Long Beach Workplace Injury Attorney

When meeting with a potential attorney, it is important that you feel comfortable with them. You should feel confident that your attorney will fight hard for you and get the best possible outcome in your case.

To help you make the best decision, here are a few questions to ask when interviewing a Long Beach employment attorney:

  • How long have you been practicing workplace injury law?
  • How many cases like mine have you handled?
  • What is the likely outcome of my case?
  • What are my chances of winning?
  • How much will it cost to take my case to trial?
  • How long will the process take?
  • What are my options if I lose my case?
  • How will you keep me updated on the progress of my case?
  • What are your fees, and how do you bill?
  • Are you comfortable taking my case to trial?
  • How do you think the judge or jury will view my case?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of my case?
  • Who will be working on my case?
  • What are your qualifications?
  • What are your trial skills like?
  • Do you have any experience with appeals?

These are a few questions to consider when choosing an attorney after a workplace injury. Perhaps most importantly is that you feel comfortable with the team you work with, that they communicate with you regularly, and have a record of success in managing claims similar to yours.

Contact Pratt Williams Today

If you have experienced an injury at work, including an excruciating back injury, it is important to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. At Pratt Williams, we understand your challenges and will do everything in our power to help you get the compensation you deserve. We believe every worker deserves a safe and healthy workplace, free from dangerous conditions. It’s why we have dedicated our professional lives to protecting the rights of workers who have been injured on the job. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin exploring your legal options.